Wednesday, October 29, 2008

CT is on the sidelines for this election

Much to the chagrin of the local news stations Connecticut is sitting on the sidelines of this presidential election. Sure we have some local elections but they are lacking any drama.

I suppose all the local stations can do at this point is wait for the first snowstorm so we can all go into a wild panic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can not wait for the first snow storm to watch Geoff Fox ejaculate on the tele- prompter. WTNH's coverage of the potential tornado this past summer was like watching the keystone cops. Geoff and Gil battling for air time, you could not script it any better. And then there was a potential for flooding during that event along the shore so we got a weather 101 lesson on why we have high tides.
Any money on how long before I turn Ch 8 on in the morning and see Gil and Desiree getting all jungle fever on us. Really, the term, "Good morning" should be said once and only once!!