Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The weathermen were wrong...again

So where is all this snow that was hyped for storm Agatha ? We were promised a legendary storm that would be talked about for ages to come as the great Valantines Day storm of 2007.

It's fun to watch the various station save face. Only WTNH back down on their predictions the night before. Kudos to them for backing off the hype.

And please. We don't need the closings at the bottom of the screen turned on 12 hours before a storm arrives. A snow storm does not have the urgency that say a tornado does.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Brad Field is Beaming !

WVIT's Brad Field is beaming over the Vantines day Noreaster ! I haven't seen him smile this much since last winter. Without a doubt WVIT is the most "alarmist" staion in CT... CRISIS CRISIS...SPECIAL REPORTS...24hr BROADCASTS ! the stations need to start broadcasting at 4:00 am for a snow storm ? Even at a ferocious rate of 2 inches an hour we do not need the local station interrupting our "regularly scheduled broadcasts" with storm updates.

I especially love when the stations send out crews staing in the snow with a ruler in hand. Precious !

This is their chance to gather clips and sound bites so every station can tout themselves as "Connecticut's choice for storm information"
